Farmhouse Petite Dried Bouquet


The Farmhouse Petite Bouquet is a soft cluster of blooms in lilac, green and white. Each bouquet is carefully arranged by Idlewild Floral’s team of designers in their California studio, and is made of beautifully preserved long lasting flowers. Beautifully packaged to make the perfect gift for any occasion.

Bouquets are 12"-14" long x 4"-6" wide. Pair it with a 4"-6" tall bud vase with a 2" wide opening.

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The Farmhouse Petite Bouquet is a soft cluster of blooms in lilac, green and white. Each bouquet is carefully arranged by Idlewild Floral’s team of designers in their California studio, and is made of beautifully preserved long lasting flowers. Beautifully packaged to make the perfect gift for any occasion.

Bouquets are 12"-14" long x 4"-6" wide. Pair it with a 4"-6" tall bud vase with a 2" wide opening.

The Farmhouse Petite Bouquet is a soft cluster of blooms in lilac, green and white. Each bouquet is carefully arranged by Idlewild Floral’s team of designers in their California studio, and is made of beautifully preserved long lasting flowers. Beautifully packaged to make the perfect gift for any occasion.

Bouquets are 12"-14" long x 4"-6" wide. Pair it with a 4"-6" tall bud vase with a 2" wide opening.

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